
Posts Tagged ‘social media video’

Think about the last great restaurant you tried. Who told you about it? Was it an advertisement on TV? Did you read about it in the newspaper? My guess is that you heard about it from a friend. After you talked to your friend about the best new restaurant, I bet you googled it. When you found it on google, I bet you looked at the online reviews. This is what web 2.0 is all about.

There are some nay-sayers of social media because it’s “new,” and what has been working in the past is still working. But, think about it this way. If you are a business, where do your customers spend most of their time? You guessed it– they spend it online. 

For businesses social media is just another vehicle to communicate the same messages they have already been displaying. Not all forms of social media are right for every business, you need to find where your customers spend their time. If your customers spend their time on twitter and you have enough interesting information to share in 140 characters or less– come up with a strategy to implement this new way of reaching your customer base.

Check out the video below: Is Social Media a Fad?

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